
Book: A Blade Through Time


Author: Louis Kalman


Thank you NetGalley and Podium Audio for an advanced audio copy.


A Blade Through Time is the first book in the Desolada series. This serves as a great standalone story but also an excellent way to start a series. It has a little bit of everything; demigods, magic, demons, sword fights, and so much more. It was a little confusing at times but always action-packed.


The story follows Leones who was just sixteen years old at the start of the story. He goes through a traumatic event that awakens a power he didn’t know he had. He can manipulate time. After he was forced to watch his home burn along with everyone in it, he is able to rewind the devastation that he just endured and escape before it even happens. After that Leones is on a quest for redemption and survival.


Leones becomes an apprentice to a philosopher and is able to practice his magic along with other skills like sword fighting, and manipulation. I really enjoyed seeing Leones figure out how his power worked. I liked some of the wording used when he is using it, for example during a fight he is constantly rewinding time to stay ahead of the fight. He calls it “rationing” his power. Seeing how he uses it and learns how to use it differently was very clever writing. n


Like I said this is a great first book in a series. It sets the world and characters up in great detail. However, I do not think this would be a good first book if you are just getting into science fiction. Parts can be confusing from a plot perspective and then you add in all the crazy names you get in a book like this and I can just see it not being friendly to newcomers to the genre.


I did not see the ending coming and I really like where the book went. I will be looking forward to seeing how this series progresses.


Final score 4/5


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