
Book: Spells for Lost Things


Author: Jenna Evans Welch


Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


The story follows Willow and Mason. Two teenagers who feel lost in the world. The chapters go back and forth from Willow’s and Mason’s points of view. You learn what each of them are going through and how both of their stories are woven together.


Willow was dealing with her parent’s divorce and being forced to live in California. She then has to go to Salem MA because her aunt has passed away. her aunt left her entire estate to Willow’s mom. Willow finds out that she comes from a family of witches but there is a curse on them. Her aunt also left clues on the real story about the curse. Willow has three aunts in Salem who are witches and they are all so fun! They all have great personalities.


Mason is a stargazing foster child that moved from place to place. His mom’s friend who lives in Salem decided to take him in to live with her and her family but all Mason wants is to find his mom again and be back together with her. n


It was meant to be for them to both meet at that exact point in time. They both needed each other. And seeing their story intertwine and blossom from a friendship to something more is so heartwarming. n


The story has all the witchy vibes so it’s perfect for the fall season. The detail of the atmosphere brings me right back to a trip I had taken to Salem MA. It will make you want to drop whatever you are doing and go to Salem.


The ending will tug at your heartstrings. You won’t be able to put this book down, you will keep wanting to know how both of their lives turn out.


Final Score: 5/5


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