
Book: You Should Smile More


Author: Anastasia Ryan


Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy.


Kristen’s Review:


Vanessa is fired from her telemarketing job at a company called Directis. However, it was not her performance that got her fired, it was her face, or rather the faces she makes around the office. The faces that she makes were against their ethics policy that they call “tweam”. Vanessa’s friend and coworker Jane was also fired, and their other friend Trisha was put on probation, just because they are friends.n


The girls come up with a revenge plan one drunken night and you watch that plan expand throughout the book. I love the support team that Vanessa had behind her. The way they all stood up for one another and took a stand against the company that was committing fraud was terrific to see.


I love that Vanessa fosters animals and helps out at the local animal shelter during her free time. She seemed to be truly happy helping them. n


I loved seeing Vanessa’s life go on a better path. It shows that everything really does happen for a reason. She never wanted to be a telemarketer but now she works at her dream job and has wonderful friends, family, and a new boyfriend. n


There are some good laughs throughout the story and you will feel like one of Vanessa’s friends who just want the best for her and to see her succeed.


Final Score 4/5


Brian’s Review:


You Should Smile More was such a wonderful surprise. It has romance, comedy, investigation, and so much more. Every aspect hits the mark and is written well.


The main character Vanessa is fired from her job because she has a resting bitch face. This premise alone had me laughing. As Vanessa accepts the fact that she was fired and tries to get unemployment benefits she learns that something is not right with the company that let her go. Then the investigation begins.


My favorite part of the story was the inclusion of Vanessa’s mother and her mother’s friends. They take control and really push different parts of the investigation and it was all a joy to read.


Every character was very well written and developed. You will love them all! As mentioned earlier, Vanessa’s mother is my favorite character but Vanessa is a very close second.


I also really loved the romance side of the story because while it was there it was not the focus of the story. The focus was having strong female leads go on an investigative adventure. The romance not being at the forefront made it that much better.


I really loved this book. It’s this is one book you will not have resting bitch face while reading. You will be too busy smiling for that to happen. n


Final score 5/5


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