
Book: The Mother Next Door


Author: Leah Mercer


Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio an advance audio copy.


The Mother Next Door will definitely feel familiar to most. It’s a story that you have heard before. Fortunately, this has great writing so you won’t mind being told the same story again.


Nothing in this book will really surprise you, even the big twist at the end. It was almost expected and not shocking, but again the writing was just so strong that it made it all work. The best way I can describe this book is for you to imagine if a bad storyteller tells you a story, then someone who knows how to tell a story tells you the same story. You will not care that you already heard it. n


The Mother Next Door follows a group of moms whose kids were taken by a friend. They all share a dark moment in their past and it’s back to haunt them. It is fast-paced and never hits the brakes. It’s a quick read that will have you flying to the end.


I do wish this was a little more unique but I really enjoyed the writing in this book. On that alone I would recommend this book.


Final Score: 3/5


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