
Book: What Have We Done


Author: Alex Finlay


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Kristen’s Review:


What Have We Done hits the ground running with an adrenaline-fueled story. It is a great fast-paced thriller that keeps you wondering what will happen next.


nThe story focuses on the three main characters. The chapters are short and rotate between Jenna, Donnie, and Nico’s points of view.


Jenna, Donnie, and Nico almost all got murdered. None of them could figure out why or who they pissed off. All they know is someone wants them dead. The only thing they all have in common is they were in a foster home together twenty-five years ago. A foster home that wasn’t a safe place for any kid. It’s a race against the clock to figure out how their past is making their present crumble down on them.n


This book will keep you guessing until the very end and it will have you on the edge of your seat.


Final Score 5/5


Brian’s Review


My first book by Alex Finlay was The Night Shift and I loved every second of it. What Have We Done, sounded like it was going to follow a similar formula so I could not wait to check it out.n


The story follows multiple characters through two different times in their life. Present day, and. Then 25 years earlier when they all were together in a group home. There was something sinister that they all took part in at that group home. Something they all wanted to keep hidden. Now, someone knows what they did and is coming after them.n


That summary does not do the book justice. That makes it sound like a typical thriller, but this was so much more than that. This was a story that had a little bit of everything. It had rock stars, hitmen, organized crime, and so much more.n


My biggest complaint was I wish it didn’t throw it all at you so quickly. I read the first half of the book I was enjoying it but I was also lost. There were all these stories that have not come together yet and it felt very disjointed. It felt like multiple vignettes and not a cohesive story. All those problems get pushed to the side because the book does come together as one story in the end.


I really enjoyed Finaly’s writing and the characters that he builds. I can’t really get into some of my reasons for not liking this as much as The Night Shift without getting into spoilers so I will need you to trust me. n


Even with some of my issues, this is still a great book that I strongly recommend.


Final Score: 4/5


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