Book: Mistletoe Season

Author: Shiela Roberta, Kathleen Fuller, and Pepper Basham

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Christian Publishing for an advanced audio copy. 

Mistletoe Season is a collection of three short Christmas-themed stories. I love short stories and I love Christmas-themed books so I thought this was going to be a homerun for me. Unfortunately, I felt all three stories fell a little flat. All three were well written but I felt they needed more time to fully develop. As a flushed-out standalone I think all three could have worked but as a short story, they just seemed to end too quickly before I could get fully attached to the characters. 

If I had to take my pick of which one was my favorite that would be Say No to Mistletoe by Sheila Roberts. I loved the idea of a Christmas tradition such as mistletoe being something that is a jinx for the main character. Her bad luck started under the mistletoe and I was hoping to see her luck change. 

If you love short stories then definitely check out Mistletoe Season this holiday season.

Final Score 3/5


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