Book: Honey

Author: Isabel Banta

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this coming-of-age story way more than I expected to! It was a journey reading all about Amber Young’s career from when she started out auditioning for Star Search to being one of the biggest pop singers in the world. It feels like you are reading an autobiography.

As someone who grew up in the 90s watching TRL after school with it filled with all the boy bands and pop singers, this book will give you all the nostalgia feels.

I was happy to see her friendship continue to grow between her and another pop singer, Gwen. They both had each other to lean on in this music bubble, which looked like it was much needed.

I enjoyed the lyrics, magazine interviews, and quizzes nestled in the end of most chapters.

I am very excited to see what the author will write next because I thought this was a fantastic debut novel.

Final Score: 4/5


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