Book: Fiasco

Author: Constance Fay

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.

Fiasco called itself equal parts steamy interstellar romance and sci-fi adventure, when I first saw that I was intrigued and didn’t know what to expect. I was absolutely blindsided by how much I adored this book.

This is the second book in the Uncharted Hearts series but you do not need to have read the first book, I did not and I loved this book. I will definitely read the first book now just to get more of this world.

The story follows Cyn who is a bounty hunter with a reputation that is known. The book starts with a funny bounty that seemed like it was just setting up Cyn as a character but it was setting up the main plot line. 

Cyn has a history of trying to capture “the abductor”. The abductor will kidnap kids for ransom and will not think twice about killing them if the ransom is not paid. While Cyn is supposed to be undercover she is put on a ship she has been on before where there is a medic, Micah, who remembers her.

While trying to find the abductor Cyn is given no choice but to turn over Micah to someone who put a bounty on him. Cyn has caught feelings for Micah and does not want to break Micah’s trust. I loved trying to figure out how Cyn would capture the abductor and get out of turning in Micah.

This was a wild ride that I will gladly go on again. Watching Cyn and Micah grow as both individuals and as a couple was great. Between their relationship, all the characters, and the world that’s built this is truly a literary masterpiece. 

Final score: 5/5


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