
Book: Even When You Lie


Author: Michelle Cruz


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an audio copy in exchange for my honest review. n

Even When You Lie is an example of a book that has a great idea for a story but just fumbles in the execution.


The plot revolves around a couple working at a law firm trying to solve a mysterious murder and how everything can be linked. This plot was great and it had an exceptional conclusion but getting there was a little bit of a struggle for me.


The main characters Reagan and Cade were just not that interesting to me and I didn’t care about them as a couple. This book seemed to have an identity crisis because it wanted to be both a romance and a mystery book. It leaned too hard in both directions leaving me wanting more from either side.


The plot was great and for that and that alone I would recommend this book. I just wish the book could have figured out what it wanted to be.


Final score 3/5


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