
Book: The Perfect Ones


Author: Nicole Hackett


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy.


The Perfect Ones is a book that has an intriguing plot summary but it just failed to grab me in almost every way.


The story is about a bunch of influencers who are on a trip to Iceland and one of them goes missing. I really was expecting a lot of mystery with a plot like that but there was not much. Most of the book was just us getting to know the lives of a bunch of very unlikable characters. n


None of the characters that the book follows have any redeeming qualities. They are all terrible people who mostly do whatever it takes to be relevant. It really does explore the dark side of the internet and being an influencer. That part was interesting to me but not enough to save the book. n


At points I got the characters mixed up. While they were different enough they almost seemed interchangeable so I had a hard time remembering who was who.


The way the book ends was in my opinion very uneventful. I feel like I understood what was trying to be achieved but I don’t think it earned it.


While I did not like the story, for a debut novel I thought the writing itself was strong and I do look forward to more work from the author.


Final score 2/5


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