
Book: Things We Never Got Over


Author: Lucy Score


Things We Never Got Over’s story follows Naomi. Naomi leaves her husband at the altar to go help her estranged twin sister Tina.n


Her twin sister is the complete opposite of her. Tina steals from everyone, including her own sister. She also leaves her daughter Waylay behind for Naomi to care for. I love the bond that they create with one another throughout the book, especially after what both characters have been through. Naomi gets a job in town to be able to provide for both of them. She settles right in with the residents as if she has been there for years. It was so great to see!n


Knox is well-known in town for running both a bar and a barbershop. He is also known as the town grump. He helps Naomi get back on her feet since she has no money or a car. Knox gets them a place to stay on his grandmother’s property.


I loved how Knox looked out for Naomi and Waylay all the time. Some of my favorite parts are the pep talks he gave Waylay about being herself and looking for herself. n


I really loved the way everything came together for a wonderful ending.


This is a perfect small-town romance.


I really enjoyed this story and am very excited to read book 2 in the Knockemout series.


Final Score 5/5


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