
Book: Famous for a Living


Author: Melissa Ferguson


Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for an advanced audio copy.


Famous for a Living is an enjoyable rom-com with great characters, good writing, and a story that doesn’t take any chances. I liked the story but it was very predictable. If it wasn’t for all of the characters being so likable I might have rated this a little lower. Author Melissa Ferguson knows how to craft a character and develop them into someone you wanna hang out with.


Cat is an influencer who falls from the internet’s grace after a financial scandal. She goes to stay with her uncle in Montana. This is where she gets to know Zaiah. Zaiah has a flip phone and doesn’t like any form of social media. The exact opposite of Cat. n


The main characters Cat and Zaiah are really perfect. Cat is just the right amount of annoying and Zaiah is very charming. I felt I would not like Cat, but she is written so well that I liked her. n


If you want a well-written and fun rom-com then look no further than Famous for a Living, just don’t expect too many surprises.


Final Score 4/5


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