
Book: The Book Proposal


Author: KJ Micciche


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy.


The Book Proposal is the most torn I have ever been on a book review. I like the overall story but this was some of the most inconsistent writing I have seen to date.


The story has some great character development, complex story arcs, and then extremely immature writing. The main character in the book is a romance author who gets help writing her next book from a man she is seeing. I feel like author KJ Micciche followed the same trajectory but her help was from an immature adolescent. n


For example, I can see the author asking her helper, our character is about to go for a run what happens next? The kid yells she poops herself! Insert “Alfredo sharts”. Ok, how would you describe an STD? Pubic lice! Insert “your nads are infected with pubic lice”. One final example even though I can give more, what does kale taste like? Sperm! Well let’s hope that answer was not from a kid but the author does in fact say “sperm taste better than kale”.


I’m sure examples like this are supposed to be funny, but they completely miss the mark and were more frustrating than anything. n


The story and the writing around the main plot lines are excellent. If it were just that I would probably be rating this book a 5/5, but when you take the whole book immature writing and all I’m forced to reevaluate. n


If you like immature, misplaced humor, then you will love every part of this book but if you’re like me and are just here for the story, even with my issues I still recommend this book.


Final Score 3/5


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