
Book: Picture Perfect Boyfriend


Author: Becky Dean


Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Children’s for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Kenzie is a smart and creative girl who loves photography. She loves it so much that she wants to make a career out of it.


Her parents have an optometry practice and they want all the kids to go into practice with them. n


Kenzie has put photography on the back burner to try and make her parents happy just like her sister did. She decided to follow in her sister’s footsteps and take courses in optometry. She then decided to create a fake boyfriend named Jacob to make her parents think she is now on the “right” life track.


Kenzie and her family go on vacation to Hawaii for a week. She runs into her “fake boyfriend” Jacob at the airport. I found this part so funny. It kept me wondering who he is and who he knows since he knew so much about Kenzie and her family.


My favorite character had to be her grandma. She was so loving and carefree and helped push Kenzie into being herself. Also, I agree with Grandma that dessert should always come first!n


I also really loved her brother Tyler. I love that he was just trying to help Kenzie be her true self.


I loved this story. I found it to be such a cute and fun read. A perfect beach read with Hawaii being a constant in the book. I was so happy for Kenzie and the way everything unfolded in the end.


Final Score 5/5


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