Year: 2022

Book Review: Flying Solo

Book: Flying Solo n Author: Linda Holmes n Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing n Laurie has a big family. She has 4 brothers and most of the time her house was loud. Too loud, when all she…

Book Review: Meant To Be Mine

Book: Meant To Be Mine n Author: Hannah Orenstein n Thank you Atria Books and Netgalley for an eARC. n Kristen’s Review: nn Imagine if you knew the exact date you would meet your soulmate. How would you feel? Would…

Review: Sifu

From its announcement to its launch I could not wait for Sifu. Whenever you are excited about a game there is a bigger chance of disappointment. Was I disappointed? Nope. nn Reviewed on PlayStation 5 n When Sifu was announced…

Book Review: The Hating Game

Book: The Hating Game n Author: Sally Throne n Kristen’s Review: nn The Hating Game is a classic love/hate relationship. I thought it was really good but it did seem to drag on for a bit too long at times….